Funding Lines

+1 (888) 847-1593 - General Line

open every Tuesday from

9 AM to 2 PM EST

(or until we reach budget capacity)

Extension 2 - Language Access Line

open every day 24/7

(or until we reach budget capacity)

Extension 3 - Incarcerated Rights Line

open every day 24/7

(or until we reach budget capacity)

When calling, please leave a detailed voicemail with the following information:

  • First name

  • Appointment information you have (clinic name, appointment date, total cost)

  • Phone number, and whether or not this is a safe phone number for us to leave a voicemail for you.

Illustration of two phones to call for help at the Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project

Why 3 Funding Lines?

RRFP has dedicated resources and funding to support abortion-seekers who speak Spanish, who could benefit from other language interpretation, and who are currently or recently incarcerated.

Voicemails will be returned within 48 hours!