Who does RRFP fund?
RRFP can fund anyone who needs financial or practical resources to access to their abortion procedure, who is a Virginia resident or anyone traveling to their abortion procedure appointment in Virginia.
Anyone means...
Transgender people
Gender nonconforming people
People who identify as women
Anyone assigned female at birth
People who are incarcerated
People who speak languages other than English
Anyone who doesn't identify with the above, but is pregnant and wants to get an abortion.
How does the General funding line work?
How do I get funding for my abortion?
Call our free and confidential funding line at 1-888-847-1593 and leave a voicemail with your name and appointment information you have (clinic name, appt date) and phone number where we can call you back. An RRFP Intake Counselor will call you back within 48 hours for more information.
Our funding line is open 9am to 2pm every Tuesday and Thursday.
For us to fund you, we need to know...Your first name, phone number, and if it’s safe to leave a message
The date and time of your abortion appointment
The name of the clinic you scheduled your abortion appointment
The total cost of your appointment and how much funding you need
Any transportation, lodging, or other support needs you have
We can also help you navigate the complexities of scheduling an appointment and the logistics surrounding your appointment days. Please let us know how to support you.
Why voicemail?
RRFP uses a warm-line system that assures we are sorting our callers’ needs by soonest appointment date. An RRFP Intake Counselor most likely will contact you within 24 hours of your voicemail, but will definitely call you back within 48 hours. You only need to leave one voicemail. Everyone who leaves a voicemail while our funding line is open will get called back.
Thank you for your patience.
How much funding can I get?
RRFP attempts to cover the funding gap after NAH and Planned Parenthood funding. So please reach out to NAH first at 1-800-772-9100 or if you have an appointment at Planned Parenthood, call the clinic directly to ask about their financial screening.
If we know how much NAH or Planned Parenthood is covering first, it will be easier to assess how much you need, and we may be able to cover the rest of the cost. A typical RRFP pledge is half of the cost of your procedure.
RRFP also has (limited) resources to help you with lodging, transportation, meals, and sometimes childcare for your abortion procedure.
At this time, we do not send cash transfers or direct cash grants.
What’s a pledge?
A pledge is a promise to the clinic or health care center that RRFP will cover a portion of your abortion procedure.
We fax a pledge with a dollar amount to your clinic. Instead of the clinic asking you to pay the amount on your pledge, the clinic will bill us directly. You will never have to pay us back for our pledge.
Where does funding come from?
RRFP is a registered 501(c)3 and relies on both individual donations and unrestricted grants to fund abortion procedures.
How do I care for myself after my abortion?
There is no one answer that works for everyone. Every body and every person is different and is affected differently after an abortion.
Please follow all directions your healthcare provider has given you to take care of your body. Call them immediately if you have any questions or concerns. Although complications are rare, please call 9-1-1 if you are experiencing an emergency.
We refer people to Exhale if you want to talk to someone about your experience. Faith Aloud offers spiritual and religious guidance pre- and post-abortion.
How does the Incarcerated Rights line work?
RRFP specifically dedicates resources towards people who are incarcerated in jails and prisons who are seeking reproductive healthcare.
If you or someone you know is incarcerated and needs legal or financial assistance to get an abortion, call us toll free at +1-888-847-1593 (option 3) or directly at (210) 761-3538.
How does the Language Access line work?
RRFP centers folks who don’t speak English as a primary language. Folks who speak Spanish can call us at 1(888) 847-1593, option 2. For folks who speak any other language, they can leave us a message on the main line 1(888) 847-1593 and let us know which language is their primary language.