RRFP’s Gift Acceptance Policy

One of Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project’s guiding values is Redistribution and Economic Justice. Redistributing resources is at the core of our work as an abortion fund. We build organizational infrastructure that allows for increased resource sharing. We believe that all of us, and especially marginalized peoples, deserve an economy grounded in collective ownership, one that promotes abundance rather than scarcity. We are a grassroots, volunteer organization and we rely on donations to fund our callers — our work wouldn’t be possible without support from our community! We gratefully accept financial support from individuals, businesses, corporations, other non-profits, foundations, and local, state, and federal government agencies.

illustration of a gift

While we do accept restricted funds that fall in line with our values and support specific elements of our work, we strongly encourage folks to consider unrestricted gifts that support our core mission.

We look to resources like the 10 Principles of Community-Centric Fundraising, and we deeply appreciate when donors entrust us with unrestricted funds to meet the ever-changing needs of our callers and community.

We also reserve the right to decline financial contributions that may not be in line with our values or capacity.

RRFP operates nonhierarchically on a collective model and practices consensus to make decisions like this. Our Collective is made up of staff, dedicated volunteers, impacted community members, and values-aligned stakeholders. Some things we may consider when deciding whether to accept a substantial gift:

  • Is this donation in service to our mission?

  • Would accepting this gift distract from our work, or otherwise negatively impact RRFP’s reputation and/or disrupt trust we’ve built?

  • Is broader community input necessary to decide whether the funds would have adverse impact?

  • Are there restrictions, requirements, or expectations attached that either extend beyond our capacity or do not align with our values? 

  • Are there any reporting aspects that violate boundaries around caller privacy or data security, or that may otherwise harm our ability to do our work?

  • Would accepting this gift give an outside party or entity undue influence over RRFP’s priorities, strategies, and/or operations?

  • Do the benefits of this donation outweigh potential issues?

  • Would it be worthwhile or more equitable to redirect this gift to another organization or grassroots partner in our network?

This policy was created to help RRFP stay rooted in the critical work of furthering Reproductive Justice, and we sincerely hope it is of use to donors interested in working alongside us. We always ask that both our volunteers and folks engaging with RRFP as community members hold our values in their hearts as we do in ours. We believe in collective liberation, and supporting abortion funds is always an act of radical care and compassion. We are endlessly grateful for all the forms of love, solidarity, and generosity we receive from our community, monetary or otherwise.

  • If you’d like to send us a financial contribution via check or money order, please mail it to:
    PO Box 7389
    Richmond, VA 23221

  • We respect that some donors wish to remain anonymous, but whenever possible we love to receive information about who individual donations are from so we can express our gratitude!

  • If the donation was crowdsourced via an event, profit share, or grassroots fundraiser, let us know!

  • If the gift is coming from a foundation or organization, please make us aware.

  • If there are any restrictions, requirements, or expectations, please enclose details — if we do not receive materials like this we will consider the donation unrestricted.