Language Justice • noun
Language justice is the commitment to creating inclusive multilingual spaces, where each of us can bring our whole selves into the room. It is the practice of actively building a world where English is not the dominant language in our spaces and where language is not a barrier to communication and community building.
This framework has many definitions, but we’re borrowing the one above from Cenzontle, a cooperative organization we’ve partnered with and love. Language Justice is a crucial part of Reproductive Justice, and overlaps with all of RRFP’s values in some way! “Accessibility” may be the most obvious connection when considering communication differences, but as an abortion fund we know that “access” is the bare minimum — it is our “Collective Liberation” value that outlines that we need all our intersecting parts to be free and to live into our dreams. As movement worker and popular educator Catalina Nieto explains beautifully, “Language is not a barrier. To the contrary, when we have multiple languages in a space, we have multiple cosmovisions, and multiple ways of understanding the world. We have the opportunity to expand and deepen our perspective, our imaginations, and the possible strategies, tactics, and visions for what is possible.”
As we recently wrote in our zine Language Justice is Praxis (coming soon in multiple languages), “Language justice is something that needs to be put into practice in every day, in every moment of your life, it is not just an abstract and intellectual concept. We need to apply it in our communities, organizations, collectives and lives. It has many forms and aspects and is in constant evolution, and most importantly, we need to abandon the idea that we will ever reach an end point where we know everything there is to know about language justice.”
RRFP centers folks who don’t speak English as a primary language in a variety of ways, including with a dedicated Language Access Intake Line.
Callers seeking funding or support who speak Spanish can call 1(888) 847-1593, option 2. Folks who speak any other language can leave a message on the main line 1(888) 847-1593 and let us know what their primary language is, and we will coordinate interpretation. You can also email in your preferred language (please state which language you’re using). You can find more Intake FAQs here.
We are also very lucky to have an amazing Language Access Team of volunteers who are grounded in Language Justice principles. These volunteers devote time to helping support callers directly alongside our Language Access Coordinator, provide both interpretation and translation assistance when possible, and collaborate with volunteers on the Zine Team to create resources for the community in multiple languages.
Check out the zines we’ve made and translated so far below!
Resources from RRFP:
RRFP 101 (zine)
How to Navigate Your Abortion in Virginia (zine)
Guide to Online Clinics for Non-English Speakers (zine)
Immigration & Deportation Defense Resources (webpage)
Use the translation dropdown menu in our header (to the left of the red ‘Donate’ button) to translate the page into Español, Français, العربية, and 中文 (简体)!
Other resources:
Language Justice Reflections Workbook, from Move to End Violence
(English and Spanish)
Language Justice: A Toolkit for Organizers, from Right to the City
Introductory Language Justice Guide: A Resource for Emerging LJ Interpreters and Community, from Hudson Valley Farm Hub
How to Build Language Justice, from Antena
Language Justice Curriculum, from Center for Participatory Change
LJ Introduction Slides for Events, from Catalina Nieto, Lila Arnaud, Telesh López, & wendelin regalado
(English and Spanish)
Directory of Language Justice organizations
(mostly within the U.S. and Puerto Rico)