You Visit the Abortion Clinic

black and white collage of 20-something white woman smiling and looking left

Cam, 20

You call the Abortion Clinic to make an appointment for an abortion. They tell you the costs of their procedures.

  • Abortion pill (up to 9 wks/63 days): $450

  • Surgical abortion (6 to 13.6 wks): $400

  • Consultation visit: $150

  • IV sedation (opr): $100

  • Additional $45-$110 if your blood type is Rh negative

This process causes your pregnancy to progress by 5 days.

Option 1:

Find Alternate Funding Sources

You have no funds to cover the cost of an abortion. You look for alternate ways to raise the funds.

Option 2:

Reach Out to RRFP

You have some money from your savings to put towards your abortion, but not enough to cover all of the costs. The clinic refers you to the Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project.

Option 3:

Pay for Abortion with Savings

You can afford the abortion with the savings you have and schedule the appointment.